CIICP Subramanian Polytechnic College, Rayavaram is a VII phase Replication Polytechnic under Canda-India Institutional Co-Operation Project. The Initiatives of CIICP were started in the year 2004.

Under this project, Subramanian Polytechnic College has identified the following major thrust areas for ensuring Total Personality Development of the staff and the students, Total Institutional Development and Total quality management at all levels.

Under various CIICP programmes, Faculty members are sent for Training and Refresher courses arranged by the DOTE, Chennai, every year and inturn they share their experiences in the training course with their fellow staff in the college.

Thrust areas

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  • Continuing Education
  • Staff Development
  • Woman in Development
  • Management Information System
  • Industry Institution Interaction
  • Students Service Forum
  • Environment development
  • Equipment repair centre
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