ஜெயித்துக் காட்டுவோம்

A ‘ஜெயித்துக் காட்டுவோம்’ programme was held in our college campus for X std students in Pudukkottai and Sivagangai district on 15.02.2014, Saturday. About 1400 Students and 60 Staff from various schools participated in the event. It was jointly arranged by Dinamalar, Trichy. Prof.RM.Meenashisundaram, Principal, presided over the programme and Prof.G.Balakrishnan, former Vice Principal of St.Joseph’s college, Trichy along with Mr.P.John Louiso, an expert in Memory Techniques, Motivated the students.

[youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlgXIayxNgE&feature=em-upload_owner[/youtube]